As the global pandemic that has affected 3-cushion billiard play around the world has begun to ease, the USA is finally getting back to levels of play pre-covid. As we enter 2021 we will continue to highlight the tournament action around the usa with updates on the winners with pictures and when available charts.

And don't forget to check our events calendar to see the list of upcoming events or any last minute changes.

REMEMBER: In the early stages of getting back to normal players may be required to wear masks and practive social distancing. Check out the results from all across the country  (most recent first):


Event: 3-CushionUSA Open No-Handicap Tournament

Organization: 3 Cushion USA20201208CaromCafeFinalists400X221

Dates: June 21-25, 2021

Where: Casino Del Sol, Tucson, Arizona

Winner: Luis Aveiga

Click the winners link for story, pictures and charts


Event: 3-CushionUSA Handicap Tournament

Organization: 3 Cushion USA20201208CaromCafeFinalists400X221

Dates: June 20-26, 2021

Where: Casino Del Sol, Tucson, Arizona

Winner: Vicke Pineda

Click the winners link for story, pictures and charts


Event: 3-CushionUSA Handicap Championship

Organization: 3 Cushion USA20201208CaromCafeFinalists400X221

Dates: January 27-30, 2021

Where: Casino Del Sol, Tucson, Arizona

Winner: Guillermo Sosa

Click the winners link for story, pictures and charts



 20200927TopShelfEvent: 3CushionUSA Scotch Doubles Championshop

Organization: 3 Cushion USA

Dates: January 26-29, 2021

Where: Casino Del Sol, Tucson, Arizona

Winner: Guillermo Sosa and Jesus Coronna

Click the winners link for story, pictures and charts



20210126CaromB250X150Event: 3CushionUSA Carom "B" Championship

Organization: 3 Cushion USA

Dates: January 24-26, 2021

Where: Casino Del Sol, Tucson, Arizona

Winner: Guillermo Sosa




