The European Cup three cushion for teams is the first major trophy in the gallery of the new Turkish team Gaziantepspor. The star team defeated the other favourite for the title, FC Porto, in the final match. Frédéric Caudron, the Belgian leading player of the champions, played an excellent tournament for his team in the wonderful billiard room of the FC Porto stadium.

The challengers, the home team from FC Porto, led by Torbjorn Blomdahl were hoping to win their first Euro Cup. But The victory of the number one in the world against Torbjörn Blomdahl (40-13 in 13 innings) paved the way for the first, tremendous European Cup for the Turkish team Gaziantepspor.

FC Porto still fought hard. Dani Sánchez seized power and levelled the match by a delicious victory over Tayfun Tasdemir 40-32 in 19, but when Murat Naci Coklu scored his last point against Joao Ferreira (40-29 in 19), the Turks took a decisive lead in caroms . The two Portuguese FC Porto players, Joao Ferreira and Rui Costa, could not hold back some tears, looking very disappointed on the stage, because the blue brigade of Jorge Alipio at least must wait another year for the first European Triumph.

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