In a field that included last year's winner Andreas Efler it was Arnim Kahofer who prevailed over 16 of Austria's best to win the 2017 Austrian 3-Cushion Championship. Held in Vienna on January 28-29 the 16 combatants played in groups of 4 round robin followed by a single elimination finals. The Austrian women also held their championship at the event.

20170131Kahofer150X200Arnim Kahofer was clearly best overall as the winner achieving the best general average of 1.183. Georg Schmied who took third place had the best game 40 points in 22 innings for a 1.818 average and the high run of 9. In the final match Kahofer defeated Herbert Szivacz 40-21 in 22 innings also for a 1.818 average. In that match he had a run of 7.

Congratulations to the new Austrian Champion Arnim Kahofer




